Thursday, February 7, 2008

Have you ever wanted to ask...

Have you ever wanted to ask a person of influence or wisdom a business or leadership question that has always been on your mind but haven't been given the opportunity? What would that question be? Who would you want to ask? What if you could come together with a select few other people and share in this exclusive experience? Such a rare opportunity seldom presents itself for those of us who would relish the opportunity to participate in an event this special.

I am hosting the legendary Dr. Tom Osborne on a series of two teleconferences which are open to a limited number of registrants. In addition to coaching the Huskers to 3 national championships in his last four years as Head Coach, Dr. Osborne and his wife, Nancy, started the not-for-profit-organization called Teammates in 1991 which has grown to 3,200 mentors. He was also Congressman of Nebraska’s 3rd District for six years. On our two scheduled calls, I will ask Dr. Osborne questions about leadership and about how the principles embedded in his book, Faith in the Game, can catapult all sizes of firms to greater levels of success. Dr. Osborne will also discuss a few lessons in leadership he's learned since becoming Athletic Director at the University of Nebraska.

These phone-based teleseminars are scheduled for Thursday, February 21st, February 28th and March 6th from 8 until 9:30 p.m. CST. Listen from the comfort of your home, hotel room, or vehicle if you’re traveling. The first session is a free preview call with Dr. Osborne’s pre-recorded comments. Then, you register and pay for the second and third live teleseminars at which time you can submit your question to Dr. Tom.

Your question will go into a pool with questions sent in by other registrants. Specialized software will analyze all the inputs and select the ten most popular questions. Half of those questions will be answered by Dr. Tom during live teleseminar number 1, and the other half during live teleseminar number 2…in addition to questions posed by me.

For just $49.95, you can have the opportunity to learn key lessons about business and life from not only an NCAA coaching legend, but one of America’s foremost authorities on organizational leadership. In three full hours, you will learn dozens of priceless and timeless nuggets of wisdom and trust.

Now, here’s where it really gets exciting for you…I am also offering an affiliate program to those people who are as excited and pumped as I am about the Dr. Tom Osborne teleseries. Your firm will receive a 10% Referral Fee from the teleseminar sales to your friends, family, and peers. For example, if you sign up for our affiliate program and you have 100 people register for the two paid calls, you will receive a $500 check from Dynamic Consulting by March 21st. Registering to become an affiliate of this program is free.

When you decide to become an affiliate, you simply click on this hyperlink: This is our affiliate resources page on our Web site. On this page, you can download the email template to send to your friends, family, and associates, as well as download Ch. 5, Goal Setting, from Faith in the Game. The instructions on this page will tell you everything you need to know to register as an affiliate, customize our email template cover letter, and send your email out to friends, family, and associates.

I'd recommend you get your friends and family to register immediately because the 1,000 entry phone lines are going fast as coaches, former players, fans, and business professionals hear about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

I’m confident that you're as excited as I am about this extremely rare opportunity!

It'll be great to have you as an affiliate! If you have any questions, please email me at

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